WRC Learning Opportunities

Wings Rescue Center Lecture Series

Wings Rescue Center Education Building, 324 W. Third, Rockport
Most lectures are the third Saturday of each month at 1:00 pm:

  • Jan 14—Is Spotted Owl conservation a problem or a symptom of a larger issue?, Rocky Gutierrez
  • Jan 20 changed to 2:00 pm—Two lectures:
    • one on caracaras by Chris Andersen
    • one on red-shouldered hawks by Linda Shirey
  • Jan 28 1 pm – All about Screech Owls, Jim Wright and Scott Weston
  • Feb 17—Two lectures:
    • “Rockport’s Top 10 Raptors” by Greg Simmons
    • “Hooters: Great Horned Owls” by Linda Shirey
  • Mar 16—”Explore South Texas State Parks” by Ben Horstmann
  • Apr 20—Two lectures:
    • “Rockport’s Blessing: The Beauty that Surrounds Us” by Cissy Beasley
    • “Aransas Pathways sites” by Jennifer Heard will speak on the .
  • May 18—(Tentative) Frank from Bloomers about how to plant the right garden to attract wildlife
  • Jun 15—”Nest Building” by Dianne Nichols: When to rescue a baby bird, laws on keeping baby birds, growth and development of baby birds

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Report as AT: Lecture Series Presentation